Day 1- Full Day Drive Addis Ababa – Arbaminch

Morning after breakfast meet with our staffs (driver and guide) at your preferred departure point and time, start drive down to south, the drive will take you along the scenic farmlands of Gurage People stop at UNSCO Tiya Steal Filed glimpse to the 12th century. A drive through the Wolayta farmlands, with views of the lush green hills and valleys, late afternoon arrival at Arbaminch Town, meaning ‘Forty Springs’ in Amharic. Arbaminch takes its name from the bubbling streams that cover the groundwater forest occupying the flats of the town, Overnight hotel

DAY 2- Arbaminch- Jinka, Boat Trip At Lake Chamo And Key Afer Market

Early in the morning drive to the Lake shore to have a boat trip on Lake Chamo, Boat trip on Lake Chamo is along the best anywhere in Ethiopia. One can spot many Hippos and the world’s most spectacular concentrations of Giant Nile Crocodiles which measure about 6 meters with the water birds are great the scenery is truly unforgettable, then drive further to KEY AFER- Tribal Market- one of the best markets in the OMO VALLEY where at least four different tribes attend, visit and explore different section of the market including animal, vegetable, cereals and much more. Then continue drive back to Jinka, overnight hotel.

DAY 3- Jinka- Turmi on The Way Excursion to Mursi Tribe

After breakfast early in the morning, leave Jinka and drive to Mursi village to visit and appreciate the very attractive culture of Mursi tribe. They are renowned for the strange custom followed by their women who, on reaching maturity, have their lower lips slit and circular clay discs inserted. Then continue drive to Turmi on the way visit Bana Tribe, overnight hotel.

DAY 4- Excursion to Omorate-Dasench Tribe- Dimeka Market (Saturday/Tuesday) Afternoon Hamer Village

Early in the morning after breakfast, we drive 73 km west to visit the Dassench/Geleb people; who inhabited in the bank of Omo River and we cross the Omo River by locally made boat to see the village, then drive to Dimeka Market to attend the weekly colorful market of the HAMER tribe then drive back to Turmi. End the day with late afternoon walk from the lodge to the village to visit the HAMER tribe with their own way of life interaction with their way of life, overnight Lodge.

DAY 5- Drive Turmi- Arbaminch– On the Way Karo Tribe at Murulle & Konso Tribe

Morning after breakfast Head to Murulle to see the Karo tribe, famous for their body panting, they prepare the ink for the painting from locally available material like flower, soil and animal blood.  We will also admire the scenery view of the Omo river from the edge of the village, then drive to Arbaminch on the way stop at KONSO to visit the Konso tribe with their king- UNSCO registered site for their extensive terracing and practice of making a wooden grave mark for their hero and kings, continue driving and late afternoon arrival to Arbaminch, overnight hotel.

DAY 6- Drive Arbaminch – Addis Ababa- On the Way Visit the Dorze Tribe and Their Village- Departure

Early in the morning drive back to Addis Ababa, on the way visit the Dorze tribe and their village, famed for their bee hive shaped houses and their weaving skills. Weaving is a primary profession for many Dorze. They are also farmers, who prevent soil erosion by ingenious terracing of the mountainsides. Around their huts they have their own little garden with vegetables, spices; tobacco and Enset (false-banana or musa Ensetethe. Then straight drive back to Addis Ababa through the Great Rift Valley, passing more interesting villages and attractions. On the way lunch at local restaurants, late afternoon arrival at Addis Ababa. We finally end the tour at a cultural dinner with live cultural dance performances in one of the best Ethiopian traditional restaurants.