EthioAmerican Tours and Travel is a United States based company that excels in organizing tours and connecting tourists to the spectacular natural and cultural places of Ethiopia. Our offices in Ethiopia and United States of America are committed to provide you with an amazing and memorable vacation experience.
We at EthioAmercian Tours and Travel are committed to provide you with a unique and enjoyable travel experiences throughout Ethiopia from small group departure package tours to tailor-made tours. We organize tours that you will treasure for years to come including a photographic expeditions to the remote tribes of Ethiopia such as the Omo Valley, to treks to the Danakil-Dallol Depression and Erta Ale lava lake, a bird watching tours in the Bale Mountains and Awash National Parka mountain, and trekking in the Simien Mountains.
Working towards ensuring your best tour experiences, we have committed professionals passionate about providing the best customer service. For more information, please reach out to our offices:
Bolle wollo Sefer 4th Floor
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,
+251 942 35 31 73
+251 115 57 52 82
14396 East Tennessee Ave
Aurora, Colorado, USA
303 264 4819